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Maths Made Easy-Ages
Maths Made Easy--Age
Maths Made Easy--Age
Maths Made Easy--Age
Maths Made Easy--Age
Body Science
尺寸: 252 x 301mm 
页数: 96
你是否了解你的身体时时刻刻承受着摩擦力与地球引力?你是否知道你的身体是如何进行行走、交谈、呼吸等生理功能的?人体是宇宙中最奇妙的组织结构,它的奥秘大多数人却知之甚少。 翻开这本书,带着你的孩子一起进行一场令人难以置信的人体之旅,认识这个精妙的生物学、物理学、化学机器。在这里,他们会了解到人体运动的原理,肌肉能够释放的巨大能量,肾上腺素分泌能够激发的人体潜能,以及未来仿生学领域中可能诞生的奇迹。 这里有众多令人叹为观止的图片,你的孩子会在惊异的同时产生深刻印象,增长知识。如果你的孩子对人体的神秘永远充满好奇,本书将是最理想的收藏手册。

’The book was very well illustrated although the James Cracknell endorsement was lost on the primary school children it was given to. One child liked the way it explained concepts such as the bank and foreign currency explanation for energy, another loved the fact that the text was limited and especially enjoyed the Life on Earth in a Year cards whilst another child who does not like reading said if she had to find out something about science she would read this book and she thought it would make a really good present for her friends that did like science! As a parent I think it is a great book; crammed with information in bite size chunks with great illustrations and would be a worthy addition to a child’’s collection for a quick reference guide to science.’

 Customer Review:

Review by: Carol, 18 June 2009 ’

My grandaughter (aged 8) opened the first page , saw the muscles and said eugh I don’’t like that. Then she went further into the book and was enthralled. She said many times "Did you know...?" It kept her happy for ages.She has taken it home so as yet I have been unable to take it into school to see what my Year 5 children think. I will borrow it back to do this.’ Customer Review: Review by: Claire Kerr, 18 June 2009 ’This is a great book. My seven year old loves information books and this is the perfect blend of detailed info for older children and snippets of pull out text for readers who just want to dip in and out. The book is colorful and full of great graphics. I was surprised that the reproductive system was avoided as this could have been handled quite well in a book like this. All in all though my son loved it and I went and bought the Car science book that is in the same series as this. Great science in an appealing format - well done dk!’


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